Mobile Website Design In Columbus, Ohio

Mobile Web Design in Columbus, Ohio

According to stats from, in 2018, 52 percent of website traffic came from mobile phones. At AltogetherWeb.Design, optimizing your website for mobile devices is our priority. Altogether Web Design is all about mobile web design in Columbus, Ohio.

As of 2020, mobile devices account for over half of all global web pages that are viewed. Up until February 2017, mobile devices account for 65.1 percent of website traffic in Asia and 59.5 percent in Africa. Because of the increasing prevalence of smartphones in recent years, mobile usage is to be expected, especially in areas that lack the infrastructure and funds for more traditional landline internet connectivity.

Some interesting facts that contributed to mobile web use:

Mobile is key in today’s market. Another interesting statistic is that 57% of customers won’t recommend a business with a poorly designed mobile website. And if the site isn’t mobile-friendly, 50% of customers won’t continue to use it, even if they like the business itself.

As of March 2019, the number of internet users was 4.346 billion. If 50% of them get to your website via mobile devices, that means that 2.173 billion of them are on a phone or tablet when they access it. What that means is that a traditional website that is viewed via desktop browsers is still important, ensuring that your website is accessible via mobile devices is equally or even more important. We specialize in mobile optimization at AltogetherWeb.Design, and we can ensure that your website is ready.